Michelle Goetz, Owner
Michelle has owned Four Paws since the doors opened back in October 31, 2015! She has an undeniable love for dogs and most humans! She is married to her business partner, Chris, and they have four children and two sweet Bouviers, Ghiradelli and Godiva! The picture above was with her beloved Snickers, who was the sole reason for purchasing this business in the beginning. He crossed the rainbow bridge in April 2017, but will always be Four Paws Top Dog!

Sam, Front Manager
Sam joined our team in late 2016 and has gone from play attendant, to Lead, to Front Receptionist, to Front Manager. She knows about everything there is to know in our facility and literally does it ALL! She has always got a sweet smile on her face and a bubbly cute personality, not to mention she’s an extremely hard worker.

Logan, Human Relations Manager
Logan started way back in Dec 2015! He’s currently the Human Relations manager and handles everything in our day to day world. He’s quite the jokester, and a fun one to have a conversation with. Being a manager is a strong suit when everyone loves being around you and he has that quality.

Courtney, Back Manager
Courtney is currently our Back Manager, as well as, our party planner, photographer, social media manager, & chef to the pups! She is multi-talented and her love for dogs is seen through her work. Her pictures are the cutest and she’s always helping others and making sure that our facility is running at top notch. She loves dogs with a passion you have to see to believe!

Hayley, Receptionist
Hayley has been with us since 2020, which may not have been a great year all around, but we lucked out with adding her to the pack. As an added bonus, her feisty husky; Grace tags along with her. She works here while finishing up her degree! She’s a hard worker and always makes sure that your babies are very loved and cared for!

Madison, Receptionist
Madison came to us in August 2021 and has just been a hoot since! Her sense of humor is out of this world and never fails to make someone laugh. She keeps this place spic and span & she’s always eager to help improve things to help this place run smoother! We’re very lucky to have her in the pack!

Jessica, Receptionist
Jessica has been part the family since she walked into the front doors back in 2018!! She’s our crazy cat lady but loves our pups just as much & always has a hand in animal rescue. She has a great sense of humor and a personality that can’t be beat! Communicating with our clients is her passion!! If you see her, make sure to say Hi!!

Emily, Lead & Play Attendant
Emily started with our pack in October of 2021, she moved up swiftly within her short time here. She was quick to learn all the dogs and excelled about all other tasks. She has such a deep love and passion for the dogs, we are so so happy at how lucky we got!

Taylor, Play Attendant
Taylor has been with us since late Summer of 2022. She was such a quick study & everyone just LOVED her from day ONE! We are so lucky to have such a caring & hard-working girl apart of our pack!

Jill, Grooming Assistant & Bather
Jill is our fancy grooming assistant to Amber and she also baths many of our departing boarding dogs! She’s the one who sends your pups back smelling and looking nice after a relaxed stay! Jill has been with us since 2016 and we could not be more blessed to have her part of our pack!

Amber, Groomer
Amber has been our groomer since the doors first opened. Her love and patience with her clients is outstanding and her grooming skills are phenomenal! She has been voted “Best of the Best” in multiple newspapers and magazines consistently since she has been with Four Paws.